For all those who have watched the 30 minute video Kony 2012 I first wish to say I'm sorry, but it is emblematic of what is wrong with society today. Not What's wrong with us. What's wrong with me.
Let me first point out an interesting phrase that the video uses: we will fight war. We will fight war? How do you "fight" war? The phrase itself is hypocritical. And the video shows little of what "fighting" this war will/would mean. It would mean if a child soldier shoots at you, you shoot back. It means nation-building. It means casualties. It means war. 100 American advisors may help, but if history tells us anything it's doubtful that advisors will move the war in a major way. To fix the problems that many countries in Africa face would require sacrifice, sorrow, and blood. Would you give yours?
Now here is why I am ashamed. Back in the day if you believed in a cause you did it yourself. You picked up a rifle and bought a ticket to the front lines. In the Spainish Civil War Americans went overseas and fought in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. 2,800 served in the conflict and 700 died. Instead of lobbying our celebrities and military they were actual individuals who dropped everything for a cause they believed in. During the conflict in Libya I was listening to the BBC and they interviewed some of the rebels there. They had a translator, but then one of the guys starts talking and he says he’s from the Bronx. He heard the call and dropped his career in finance to fight for the freedom of his homeland. I had to think. Could I have done this? Ultimately I decided I couldn’t. I, too, am a part of this generation that comfortably sits in paradise while we lobby for others to fight for us. In this case it’s not even our troops as they’ll simply be advisors.
I doubt there’ll be a swift end to the violence that rages across the Congo basin any time soon. Hate breeds hate and until serious socio-economic changes occur we’ll see kids with rifles in the news til the day we die.
Now, I'm not against this movement. I think it has the right motivations. However, the internet hasn't changed anything. Fixing the problem will still require blood, money, and yet even more money and blood. Will you give yours?
If you haven't seen this video you can check it out here:
If you haven't seen this video you can check it out here:
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