History on the Run is a blog dedicated to the past's impact on today. History, foreign policy, economics, and more will be blended up weekly for a spin on today's events or a simply rethinking of our common past. Beyond that this is the blog of the podcast and here can be found the scripts from the shows. The blog will probably be more political than the podcast and will not focus so much on the historical narrative.

The podcast is available on Itunes and is called History on the Run

You may also listen to it here: http://historyontherun.libsyn.com/webpage

A list of all transcripts from the podcast is available here: https://sites.google.com/site/historyontherun/

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Obama is Checking Your Email

Hilarious new meme called "Obama is checking your Email"

I made my own:

My personal opinion is that there really are two things at play here, and each should be discussed separately: "telephony metadata" and internet metadata . The Verizon thing is A-Ok for me. I could see someone making an effective case for the internet metadata. I almost wish that the administration would put out a Coursera set of lectures where they go through the oversight process. Oversight and separation of powers are what separate us from the rest. From what I've seen they are there, but I could always use more information.

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